Osprey sitting on a perch, intensely staring at the photographer

Close up image of a baby Eastern Box Turtle

Baby Eastern Box Turtle

Snowy Egret stands on the bank of a wetland.  The snowy egret's bright yellow feet can be clearly seen.

Tufted Titmouse

Downy Woodpecker

A tri-colored heron sits in bush in the marsh in Ocean City, New Jersey

Tri-colored Heron in Ocean City, NJ

A white-eyed vireo, Vireo griseus,  perches on branch

White-eyed vireo

A snowy egret, Egretta thula, perches on a branch.  He is displaying his breeding plumage.  He has red feet and a bright red coloring near his eyes.

A snowy egret in breeding plumage - Ocean City, NJ

A boat-tailed grackle stares directly at the camera with his light-colored eyes.  He is perched on branch in the early spring with newly emerging leaves.

Intense stare from a boat-tailed grackle - Ocean City, NJ

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